6 Unmistakable Signs You’re In Love With A Highly Sensitive Man

6 Unmistakable Signs You’re In Love With A Highly Sensitive Man

Our mission is to be your trusted advisor, an unwavering source of understanding and guidance along the path to wellness. And though we pointed out in #1 that these men usually bottle up their emotions, when they’re in a loving and secure relationship, they tend to go all in. If you think you might be a highly sensitive person, you can take the official quiz on their website here.

Without understanding the unique needs of HSPs, we simply kept pushing through, going about life as we always had, trying to make it all work. Of course, this backfired, and eventually we could not keep our marriage alive. I’m the founder of Introvert, Dear and the co-founder of Sensitive Refuge. I also hosted my own podcast, called The Introvert, Dear Podcast.


Sensitive men are usually open to, and eager for, some sort of personal growth or spiritual discipline. Remember, a sensitive man puts a great deal of thought into… well, pretty much everything. When he opens up and talks to you, the chances are that each and every word has been agonized over, VioletDates free upgrade and carefully chosen to convey precisely what it is he wants to say. Before making any choice – what movie to watch, what restaurant to go to, etc. – we are going to think it over. We’re going to consider as many possibilities, and potential consequences, as the human mind is capable of.

You can give freely and lovingly because you are constantly replenishing your own store of love from the inside out. Some people don’t want to learn or help themselves. But a drowning man will pull you down to save himself. You can still help people, but make sure you stay on solid ground and throw him a line so he can get himself out. HSPs need to develop strong and clear fences to protect our sensitivity.

They might share with you the details of their dreams and when they do, treat them as something sacred. They know how annoying it is to some people when someone talks about dreams so they might be reluctant. If your partner talks a lot, is very active or frenetic, listens to music or news a lot, watches TV frequently, or brings up intense or upsetting world news events, it can quickly overstimulate you. When anyone is overstimulated, we act unskillfully and rashly. Because it happens quicker for an HSP, this can lead to a higher level of reactivity in relationships.

If pregnant or nursing, consult with a qualified provider on an individual basis. Seek immediate help if you are experiencing a medical emergency. On a more personal level, you can read about my own discovery of being an HSP, back in 1997. If you’re curious about the person behind these words, I have a fairly extensive author profile posted on this site, as well. The book recommendations made on this page are all from my personal library and include only titles I have read and found useful/relevant/insightful. Changing our personal paradigms is an essential process, if we are to live well and thrive as Highly Sensitive Men.

Do Girls Like Shy & Quiet Guys?

Prior to discovering my hypersensitivity, I perceived my overly emotional responses as a character flaw. My mom would say, “Why can’t you get on an even keel? I discovered that my longtime habit of fidgeting with my hair was due to hypersensitivity. I dislike the feel of hair strands tickling my face and neck, so I bunch it up in a knot.

Personal Failures

Therapy and self-work can help you address some of the more harmful tendencies or unpleasant experiences. However, others might learn to be sensitive for several reasons. A traumatic event might put them on high alert, for example. Being sensitive to stimuli is also a symptom of conditions like ADHD and autism. If you’ve been feeling emotional lately, several stressors could be contributing to it.

For example, some people are more sensitive to sensory input, while others find certain kinds of social interactions overwhelming. You see, sometimes they might look happy on the outside but it’s hard to tell if they’re really okay deep down because most HSPs are good at managing their emotions so they won’t bother others. They’re highly sensitive alright, but they’re not weaklings and they don’t need your guidance and protection, just your understanding and love. Sensitive people have certain brain differences that make them more susceptible to stress and anxiety. Thankfully, there is a way to train your brain so you can navigate the challenges of sensitivity, access your gifts, and thrive in life.

It is more like a biological trait that shapes up in early childhood. You don’t have to say, they just understand by looking at your eyes and that’s why they are so desirable to women. Basically, they’re exactly what you’ve been hoping for.

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