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How to cook up a ‘perfect’ heroine

How to cook up a ‘perfect’ heroine

IF, a thousand years from now, archeologists unearth a print of “Monster-in-Law” from the rubble and the non-biodegradable diapers of our civilization, they’ll have on their hands a near-perfect encapsulation of Hollywood’s idea of a lovable, . Charlie Cantilini (the scampering woman-child played by Jennifer Lopez) is not just the emblematic comedic female protagonist of our time. She’s the King Tut’s tomb of contemporary rom-com cliches.

I don’t know the particular facts of the case, but I have a decent idea. Charlie feels like the very methodical, by-the-book creation of highly intelligent alien life forms who don’t quite grasp how human life actually works. Which she is, sort of. Screenwriters may have internalized them, graduate schools may have assimilated them, but contemporary romantic comedy heroines are pure corporate product, a desperately pandering and clueless Erotic Websites adult dating sites assemblage of received notions, sexual anxiety and recycled focus-group-think handed down over the years like Grandma’s cheesecake recipe.

In case you missed her, or in case she washed over you gently like a wave of diazepam, here’s a refresher on what Charlie is like: Quirky but impeccably soignee, Charlie (the boy’s name implies you can trust her) works a series of sporadic, menial jobs but is not poor. Read More